3 Tasks Event Pros Should Outsource

There are some things that you just shouldn’t try to DIY— the electrical work in your home, for example. When the cost of repairing an unsuccessful DIY (repairing the damage from an electrical fire) is more than you’d spend if you had it done by a pro to begin with (having an electrician do the repair), you should really just go with the pros right from the start. Similarly, you wouldn’t tell a client to DIY their own dance floor, tent, or inflatable— that’s just a recipe for disaster. You’d tell them to call in the pros!

Event pros are resourceful people, but there are a handful of things we really think you should outsource, as the benefits far outweigh the costs should something go wrong.

#1 – Accounting

We highly recommend that all event pros use an accountant for their event rental company’s books.

For starters, the IRS is not to be taken lightly. An accountant will make sure everything is accounted for, in order, and submitted on time. If you do happen to be audited, having your accountant by your side through the process is invaluable.

An accountant will also know, or be able to discover, any potential write-offs and deductions for your company and save you money at tax time. Add in Goodshuffle Pro’s seamless QuickBooks Online integration, and your accountant will be in heaven. They’ll be able to easily see and access any write offs, deductions, income, and loss that was logged within Goodshuffle Pro, with just a few clicks.

#2 – Legal documents

It’s a wise move to have an attorney write up your contracts, terms and conditions, waivers, and any other documents your clients need to sign.

If an accident occurs, your contracts and waivers could save you from a costly legal battle. Or, if a client takes you to small claims court or files a dispute with their credit card because they cancelled too close to their event and didn’t receive a full refund, you can rest assured knowing your contracts and cancellation policies are air tight.

#3 – Web design— maybe

Some of us have an eye for design, and some of us…well, let’s just say that our strengths lie elsewhere. We live in a digital world, and a bad website is really bad for business.

If you fall within the latter category, or simply don’t have the time to build the website of your dreams, it’s a wise idea to hire a web designer. Not only will a good web designer understand how to create a site that appeals to your audience, but they will also be able to set up your Website Integration with Goodshuffle Pro, so you can showcase your inventory items right on your site. Plus, your clients will be able to shop your inventory 24/7, which means your business can keep moving even while you sleep.

In our experience, the key to finding a good web designer is to seek out someone who will make it possible for you to make your own edits and have some independence. Sure, you’ll still need them for major updates, but it’s ridiculous to have to get in touch with and then pay a web designer for something minor, like to correct a date or a typo. Avoid any web designers who restrict your access to your own website.

Other outsourcing ideas

While we have our outsourcing recommendations, some people need extra help in certain areas, but aren’t looking to hire an extra employee. Check out some of these ideas to see if they may be worthwhile for you and your company.

  • Social Media Manager — Managing Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest accounts isn’t for everyone. While we think they’re a great DIY opportunity, we also understand the need to outsource this role. Reaching out to your target audience through social media is an important job, so hiring a pro is a great idea if you just aren’t feeling it!
  • Blog Post Writer — Maintaining a blog is another great way to connect with your audience, but during the busy season it can be impossible to squeeze out the time. Consider outsourcing some guest writers to keep your content flowing.
  • Photographer — Having custom images for your blog, marketing materials, and website is ideal for creating a high-quality feel for your digital presence— but sometimes it’s hard to find the time to take them yourself. Consider hiring a freelance photographer to take some photos for you. It’ll take your website (and social media, and blog, and ads…) to the next level!

There’s a time and a place to DIY— and a time and a place to call in the pros! Make sure the foundations of your business are solid so if something does go awry, your business won’t go under. Also keep the face of your business up to date and looking its best; nothing kills a client’s confidence like a bad website. As for everything else, if you feel like you need a pro, find someone who is willing to take some time to show you how things work— you never know when you may find new DIY skills!

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.