3 Ways to Boost Online Presence with the Website Integration

An event company’s online presence significantly impacts customers’ perception of their brand and quality. Small inconveniences in your website user experience (UX), for instance, can significantly limit your outreach and conversion abilities. If you’re not staying competitive on the online side, you’re at serious risk of falling behind the competition. Luckily, the Goodshuffle Website Integration, one of our most beloved features, can improve your online presence, not just in one way, but multiple! Often described by our users as “a game-changer”, this integration empowers our users to showcase their inventory and prices, and improve their overall online presence.

1. Improve your close rates with an elevated client experience

The Website Integration allows new and existing customers to engage with your inventory 24/7 and select exactly what they want in their “Wishlist”, including comments and requests. Their selection won’t go through as an order until you approve it, giving you ultimate control. This means no more double booking inventory.

A Wishlist submission gives you a great foundation for any consultations, making sure you’re as efficient as possible when working with your clients. This event company cut their sales process time by 90% with Goodshuffle Pro and the Website Integration.

This not only makes your job easier, it also makes the client experience smooth and effortless. They no longer have to call during your work hours to organize event rentals. Instead, they can pull up your online shop during their free time and even have their partner or co-planner there with them. This flexible and seamless process results in a 70% average close rate across our users through the Website Integration.

2. Weed out bad leads and attract qualified ones with transparent pricing

Transparent pricing is important when it comes to narrowing down your buyer personas and saving time for your sales team. When prospects can easily see your prices on your website, they can quickly decide if they can afford your services or not, meaning that you deal with fewer unqualified prospects. The Website Integration takes this a step further, allowing prospects to build their ideal package and easily look at possible pricing. Those who can’t afford it won’t waste your time anymore. Those who can afford it will send in their Wishlists to you, which automatically build quotes in Goodshuffle Pro and close at an extremely high success rate. Goodshuffle Pro users who have enabled the Website Integration experience an average increase of 30% from Wishlist to signed contracts, making the integration an incredibly effective upselling tool.

3. Expand your online reach with powerful SEO capabilities

Beyond improving your overall user experience and close rates, the Website Integration can also help you get discovered online in the first place. An increased number of internal pages will improve your page’s search engine optimization (SEO) overall by increasing the relevance of your page. The wider breadth of specific products pages will also improve SEO, as it increases your chance of being the most relevant page for a user search query. If a prospect wants a very specific item or theme for their event, they may search that item or theme directly into their search engine. Your individual product page has a good chance of appearing for their search in this case, and the Website Integration allows that prospect to submit a request as soon as they find you. Learn more about how the Website integration can improve your SEO here.

Bring your event business to the next level

The Website Integration doesn’t simply improve your online presence— it makes your business more efficient and accessible than ever. 90% of inquiries through the Website integration have come from new customers, making it an extremely effective tool for bringing in new business. Boost your online presence and elevate your events business with the Website Integration through Goodshuffle Pro.

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.