5 Reasons to Break Up with Your Inventory Management Software

Out of all of the business headaches you could have, your inventory management software shouldn’t be one of them. Breaking up with your software is a hard choice to make— after all, you probably have a lot of time invested in trying to get everything just right. But if you’ve put in the time and effort and it’s still not doing what you need it to do, then it’s time to consider other options.

In case you’re still feeling torn, we’ve put together some tell-tale signs that it’s time to find a new inventory management software.

1. It doesn’t do what you need it to do

If your software cannot do the basic things an inventory management software should be able to do (manage your inventory) you’re throwing your money away. Your software should, at a bare minimum, be able to track your inventory, tell you where your items are in your warehouse/storage facility, and alert you of any scheduling conflicts for your items. The ability to sort, categorize, and bundle your items are also useful features you should look for in your rental management software. Beware of being sold on too many “nice-to-haves” when the need-to-haves don’t actually work in a reliable fashion.

2. It’s hard to use

Y’all, stop fighting with your software. If you dread opening your inventory software every day, that’s a huge red flag. Inventory management software is supposed to make your life easier, not give you a migraine. It’s time to let go and move on.

3. It comes with poor customer support and training — or they charge an arm and leg for it

No one likes crummy customer support when they get stuck or have questions. It can really throw a wrench in your day. If you need to contact your inventory management software company, they should be friendly and ready to help get you on the right track. Using a new software comes with a learning curve; if they don’t offer any training at all, I’d take that as a red flag. Also, do research on companies who charge for support. If they’re getting paid to teach you, then are they really driven to make it easy to use? Goodshuffle Pro offers unlimited support, which of course is a driver to make sure that the software is easy to use and functions properly.

4. It doesn’t integrate or have mobility to any other software or apps

Software should integrate with important tools, like your website and your accounting software. It should also give you data mobility, meaning the ability to export data to pull to another program or use for your own custom needs. It’s your data, and you should have easy access to it.

5. It’s not mobile

I can’t imagine being an event planner and not having on-the-go access to my inventory. Pretty much everything is digital and available on hand at all times, so why not your inventory too? The ability to search your items, create a quote/invoice, and accept payment, all on the go? Yes, please! This is an absolute must for most people, especially since COVID has so many of us working remotely.

There you have it. Life has a lot of struggles in it— don’t let a program be one of those struggles. If you’re not happy, find something that better fits your needs and make the switch.

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.