Top Event Rental Industry Trends in 2022

2022 is here and we’re so excited to look forward to what the future holds for the events industry. With that comes exciting new trends! We spoke with Cam Petty, owner of Render Events, in this webinar. She gave some great insight on what some of the top trends for 2022 will look like in the events industry. These include:

  1. Last-minute turnaround times
  2. Intentional spaces at events
  3. Trending inventory items
  4. Event rental software at the tip of your fingers

Last-minute turnaround times

It is always important to make sure that you have ample time before an event to prepare your inventory, to make sure the rentals are paid for, and to make sure that all communication is clear and confirmed by everyone involved. However, sometimes changes need to be made on a dime, and you aren’t given the same time frame you would normally have. In 2022, last-minute turnarounds might start to become more common than not, especially with the ever-changing landscape of the pandemic. Rentals made weeks in advance might need a change made days or even hours before an event, and you have to make sure you are prepared for this.

Using event rental inventory software is a great way to ensure that communications are quick and easy, along with easily and quickly managing projects that may have last-minute changes. You should also put pricing policies in place that indicate a higher charge than normal for these quick changes, as these can put a strain on you and your staff.

Intentional spaces at events

Clients are loving smaller designated areas at large events. These lounge spaces allow for intimate conversations and make a bigger event feel smaller. As a vendor, you have to ask yourself, “What inventory do I need for creating intentional spaces?

  • Shelving for gift areas
  • Specific lounge furniture
  • Escort cards for venues or weddings…

Making sure that your inventory can satisfy events of all needs, especially those with specific areas or places within the event, will be paramount to continuing business growth and satisfaction.

Inventory trends

Going along the idea of making sure your inventory is ready to accommodate the new spaces at events, make sure that your inventory can help enhance these spaces. Intimate and clean-lined ambiances are sure to be a hit in the New Year, along with some key inventory items like:

  • Cushy sofas
  • Warm lighting
  • Inviting tabling

Having inventory like this is sure to meet clients’ desires is going to help make good events great.


Image by Justin James Muir | Rentals: Allaire Rentals

Software at the tip of your fingers

With event rental inventory software, managing your inventory and keeping on top of 2022 event industry trends is easy. Software like Goodshuffle Pro makes accessing event plans easy, along with making it easy for clients to sign and pay. Cam says it best: “To anyone starting out in the event rental industry: Start out with software (even before you invest in a warehouse)! [I] recommend Goodshuffle Pro because of the Website Integration, its CRM tools, and its customizable features. It’s saved us more than 10 hours per week.” Having modern event management software will be what upgrades your business to the next level, and maybe soon enough you’ll be the one setting trends!

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.