Brand Ambassadors and You: Turning Event Employees into Loyal Brand Enthusiasts

If you already have a team in your rental business, consider the value they bring to the table. Are they actively promoting your brand and being a champion for all the wonderful rental options you have to offer? Or, rather, are they typically waiting for you to assign them enough work to get them through the work day? If they fall in the latter, you’re missing out on the benefits of having a crew of brand ambassadors. Instead, your event employees are simply showing up to do what needs to be done and earn a paycheck.

If your team members only see your business as “just another job,” they won’t go above and beyond expectations and will likely be on the hunt for a better opportunity. Companies with weak culture tend to have a higher turnover rate and much of that is a result of employees feeling unengaged in your brand.

By investing in your internal culture, you can foster an environment of empowerment that turns your average event employees into dedicated brand ambassadors that are committed to helping your company grow and succeed.

For those who are ready to elevate their team’s engagement, here are four strategies for nurturing your staff to become loyal brand enthusiasts.

Evaluate your hiring process

The truth is your event employees’ experiences with your brand starts from the hiring process. While you need to be showcasing all the benefits of working in your business, you also need to be mindful of your expectations for a brand ambassador. Look for the candidates who you can imagine sending to a networking event in your place, trusting that they’ll present your brand in the very best light.

Revisit your onboarding procedure

Once you’ve found the best fit for your team, it’s important to consider how you bring a new hire onboard in a way that will define their role as a brand ambassador. Consider creating an employee handbook that helps to immerse new employees in the company’s brand, from your core values to key expectations for the work environment. It can also include your standard operating procedures and step-by-step instructions for certain processes. Some examples are inventory management and client communications.

This will help to empower team members to take ownership of their responsibilities. It’s always a bonus when you have software that includes unlimited training, like Goodshuffle Pro! This way you can outsource the training on the program to the software company, instead of taking that on yourself.

Invest in your employees

Employees are a company’s most valuable resource—a solid team is what keeps the ship afloat. With that in mind, it’s important to treat all of your staff members as full-fledged contributors to your business. Share your goals and fears for the future, ask them for feedback, and explore new ideas with them.

If you want your employees to become dedicated brand ambassadors, they need to feel like they are a part of the very fabric of your rental company. A smart way to do show them this is to invest in educational opportunities, whether that means signing up for an online class or bringing them along to your next trade show. Not only will this show them how much you care, but it also benefits your company to have an educated team.

Return the favor

As a leader, you need to return the energy that your employees put into the growth of your business. This could look different depending on the relationship. However, in general, it means investing time and interest into your team members’ personal and professional growth. Ask them about their passions, their goals, and what they hope to achieve in their career. Then, help them achieve it! Become their brand ambassador and provide references or, if possible, connect them with another business to support their career growth.

It’s hard to see a great brand ambassador go elsewhere. However, it’s only fair to help them in the way they’ve helped you. Plus, you never know—it’s possible they return at a later time with even more experience.

There’s nothing better than a cohesive team of brand ambassadors that are ready to shout your name from the rooftops (even after-hours!). All it takes is some intentional effort to nurture an engaging and empowering culture that makes your employees feel like a part of your whole brand experience.


Feature image by Pharris Photos

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.