Best Tactics for Categorizing Event Rental Inventory

Every event pro wants to know the best tactics for categorizing event rental inventory. Is your current rental organization system working for you and your clients? Does it maximize your staff’s time and efforts? Do customers have an easy ordering experience, on-time and accurate delivery, and a high-quality product? In the events industry, you have to be on top of your game to stay competitive.

Categorizing event rental inventory effectively is an important first step to improving your organization system. You might choose to categorize by item type to facilitate easy storage in the warehouse, but present in color and style groupings on your website to inspire customers to think creatively. Whatever categorization you choose, it should serve the greater purpose of fulfilling your customer needs and dreams, while working logistically for your team.

Your system of categorization will have an impact on many different aspects of your inventory management, particularly your warehouse, website, and event rental software solution.

How Do I Categorize Event Rental Inventory?

1. Organize inventory in your warehouse

2. Design and format your website

3. Invest in event and party rental software

Let’s dive in!

Warehouse Organization for Event Teams

The goal of your organization system should be to make your workflow optimally functional. We categorize our inventory by type – glass together, china together, and so on. We don’t want to run all over the warehouse when fulfilling orders or restocking. This also improves your packing experience when you’re utilizing Goodshuffle Pro‘s pull sheet by category:

Goodshuffle Pro. Pull Sheet. Inventory Management.

Sometimes it is necessary to re-evaluate your system. Ask your staff what they would do to improve operations when categorizing event rental inventory. Weigh your needs as new product comes in, and make sure whatever you do, you keep things flexible in case you need to shift or change placement to accommodate.

Your highest operational priority should be to train your staff so they can flip product quickly and accurately. You want them to receive it carefully, clean then restock it in time for the next event. Even a well-trained rockstar staff will struggle if your inventory is unorganized. The better the training and organization, the better your service will be, and ultimately the happier clients will be as well.

Website Organization for Event Clients

A user-friendly website is no longer a luxury. If yours is difficult to navigate, lacks common functions, and does not answer questions, your prospects will quickly try another. It’s not enough to simply reflect your warehouse categorization. You have to think like your customers and present them with eye-catching photos that inspire them to choose products. Goodshuffle Pro’s Website Integration is a fabulous way to create a wonderful experience for your clients.

Event rental inventory categorization and organization. Goodshuffle Pro. Vitalic Photo.
Photo by Vitalic Photo

Take a keen look at your site and try to think of every possible way a customer would search it to find what is needed. Work with a reputable web designer to incorporate parameters that ensure your inventory is searchable by color, style, time of year, time of day, budget and more. The site should work for you and be easy for your clients to use.

Deciding how to categorize your rental inventory has greater implications than sticking to what you’ve always done, or aesthetics. It drives the quality of service you provide your customers. Take time to analyze your current practices, adjust anything that isn’t working to further your goals, and train your staff to maximize efficiency. The work you invest in your categorization today will definitely pay off down the line.

Event Rental Software Provides Organization

You’ll want to make sure that you’re taking advantage of the tools your event rental software provides when it comes to organizing your products. For example, Goodshuffle Pro makes it easy to sort by attributes, such as size, color, and even warehouse location. If you carefully note these attributes, you’ll always see the payoff when you’re seeking specific item types.

Goodshuffle Pro. Software Organization.

Keep in mind that every system is different. Take advantage of the customer service team who knows the event rental software inside and out. They will be able to help you think through how to categorize your unique rental items and even your tools. Getting ahead on this will ensure your other areas of organization don’t go to waste.

Learn more about event rental inventory management from Goodshuffle Pro user, The Rental Brothers (TRB Vlogs)!


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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.