Top 3 Reasons Your Event Business Needs To Use QR Codes

If you watch any sci-fi movie from the 1950s and onwards, one of the coolest technological advancements filmmakers predicted we would have is touchless tech. From hologram command centers to moving things with our minds, technology has always been a show-stopper. Now that we’re in the 21st century, it seems real life has caught up to the movies! Touchless tech, from wristbands that are amusement park entrance tickets to scanning your palm to pay for groceries, digital tools are all around us to help make life better!

One of the tech must-haves for your event company is the QR Code. QR codes are a type of barcode that can be read or scanned by most smartphone cameras. A user simply turns on their phone camera and points it at the QR code. The phone then opens a browser window (as indicated by the QR code) and can access the information right on the phone. It’s a completely touch-free method of distributing information – and it’s better for the environment (and your bank account) than printing off 50 menus!


As mentioned, QR codes are completely touch-free. Because of this, your staff will spend less time sanitizing menus, printing and folding programs, and creating brochures, and more time focusing on creating a fantastic event. Going touchless is especially important in flu and allergy season when everyone has a runny nose. Everyone wants to mingle and connect, but let’s leave the germs out of this!


You’d be hard-pressed to find someone without a smartphone these days, and that’s what makes QR codes such a wonderful tool. A quick scan and your client’s guests have immediate, personal access to whatever information you have linked to that particular QR code– and with no additional COVID risk. QR codes also increase accessibility to those with visual impairments and other disabilities; because the information is sent directly to a user’s phone, they’ll be able to increase the font size or use their screen reader to comfortably and easily access the information.

Give your staff a break

When your staff is busy creating an awesome event, the last thing they want to think about is whether or not the menus, pens, etc. have been sanitized. QR codes can reduce or eliminate the time your staff spends sanitizing these types of items.

Great ways to use QR codes include:

  • Menus – Saves time sanitizing and money on printing new or custom menus
  • Song requests – allows guests to request songs digitally
  • Informational packets or brochures – send conference guests right to your website or info page
  • Digital photo album – link to a digital photo album where guests can upload photos they take at the event (great for weddings!)
  • Digital guest book – No pens, no touching, and the guest book could be printed off after the event
  • Digital surveys – Again, eliminate the need for pens, paper, and other high-touch items
  • Digital catalog – Potential clients can access your Goodshuffle Pro Website Wishlist and add items while walking around your showroom, or after they leave. Some clients prefer to plan and think alone, and this would provide them with support while simultaneously freeing up your staff to meet with clients who need more attention.

Tasteful and Touch-free

QR codes are a fantastic tool to keep your employees, clients, and guests safer while also saving money on paper, sanitizing tools, and staff time. They allow you to get information directly into your audience’s hands, and offer the option to add an interactive element. QR codes also make information more accessible to guests with vision impairments and other disabilities, making them a great option for making sure everyone feels included at your events.

With a multitude of uses and options available, why not use QR codes to make your events safer for everyone?

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.