Ready to Grow? Follow These 5 Steps First

Growing a business is something many entrepreneurs work incredibly hard to do. However, while many business owners are eager to cement innovative ideas into profitable offers, successful business growth depends on timing, sustainability, and strategy.

For instance, developing too many new offers can cause overwhelm and poor quality. But, on the other hand, hesitance to grow can result in missed opportunities that could take your company to the next level.

Before diving into a new endeavor, assess these five critical areas to determine if growth is in the cards and ensure success as you enter the next phase of your business.

Review your finances

Whether you’re aiming to develop a new product or rebrand your services, growth inevitably costs money. Therefore, your business must be financially stable enough to support any new plans. Meet with a financial advisor to clarify your financial standing and decide if now is an ideal time to grow.

Any financial strain can throw a wrench in your plans, so if you’re barely breaking even, it may not make sense to move forward with significant changes. Instead, establish an estimated budget and focus on raising funds for your new venture first.

Having your finances in check is one of the best ways to secure upcoming projects. So evaluate your revenue streams and funds before jumping into anything new.

Assess your workload and team expansion 

If you’re a solopreneur, reflect on your workload and consider whether you need to hire more support to navigate shifts in your business. In addition, take into account the time and energy needed to grow. Business endeavors are time-intensive, so it’s essential to think about your bandwidth.

If you’re overwhelmed by your current workload or the idea of additional projects, that’s a sign to hire help. You may also expand your crew if you’re constantly adding more hours to your day or certain tasks keep getting pushed to the bottom of your to-do list. A dependable team is a great way to streamline operations, avoid burnout, and delegate tasks, so you have more energy to focus on new plans.

In addition, bringing new members on board also supports current workers, so they can be confident with transitions in your company. As you begin the hiring process, be prepared to dedicate a few weeks to finding the right candidates and completing the onboarding process.

Evaluate your systems

Set yourself up for a smooth transition with a dependable system. When your technology and workflows are up-to-date, you can rest assured your business operations will run seamlessly, even when you’re not around. Review your current software to determine if it can hold its ground. The last thing you want is something to throw off your big plans that could have been avoided.

If your operations feel chaotic or disorganized, focus on developing efficient processes first before diving into the next phase of your company. For example, you may need to update your software or use customer relationship management (CRM) and automation tools to take the manual work off your shoulders.

Consider client requests

Have you received inquiries about products or services you don’t offer? How often do you have to turn down business and refer clients elsewhere? If this happens frequently, consider ways to expand your services to satisfy your client’s needs.

If you decide to broaden your offerings, make sure all changes align with your business. Alignment provides cohesiveness in your brand and clarity for your clients. Many people prefer to work with companies with an overarching theme, so be conscientious of your brand identity.

For example, a florist may expand their offerings to include custom centerpieces and details for wedding cakes. Contemplate what your clients want and what makes sense for you to provide.

Gain clarity on your business journey

As you begin the next phase of your business, start with clarity. Create a vision board, set SMART goals, and have transparent conversations with your team. They can let you know what areas to expand, improve, and strengthen. Then, when you understand your current standing well, you can determine if it makes sense to take on something new and shake your business up.

Growth opens doors to exciting opportunities, but it’s key to ensure it’s the right timing for your company. Reflect on your operations, workflow, and strategy to set yourself up for a successful transition to the next venture.

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.