All of us at Goodshuffle Pro pride ourselves on going above and beyond for our customers, and we didn’t stop with our QuickBooks Online Integration. Our goal is to empower event professionals with the right inventory management software for them to succeed. This really comes down to making the lives of event company owners and managers easier, so we didn’t want to just stop at inventory management. This is where Goodshuffle Pro’s QuickBooks Online Integration comes in.
Why We Chose to Partner with QuickBooks
As you all know, we take security very seriously and simply won’t provide integrations with any companies that don’t also place a priority on keeping our clients’ information safe and secure. Our QuickBooks Online Integration is certified by Intuit for its level of security and detail, and they have very rigorous standards. (See our post on Why Goodshuffle Pro’s QuickBooks Online Integration is the Most Secure on the Market to learn more.)
Should Event Pros Use QuickBooks Online or Desktop?
Some of the most common feedback we receive about our QuickBooks Online Integration is about the high level of detail that can be achieved. Many integrations provide lump sum summaries and reports, but we couldn’t just stop there. Think of the accountants!
With Goodshuffle Pro’s QuickBooks Online Integration, you’ll be able to…
1. See revenue accounts by product sales, product rentals, services, taxes, fees, custom accounts (created by you!), and any combination of these accounts.
This will allow you and your accountant to gain both broad and precise understandings of how every aspect of your business is doing.
2. Break out revenue accounts by sales office locations, adding even more detail to your reports.
You’ll be able to see how specific locations are doing compared to others so you’ll know where to focus your attention.
3. Create highly customized reports that allow you to see how items are performing or underperforming.
No more rarely used items taking up needed space in your warehouse!
4. Sync QuickBooks Online invoice numbers with Goodshuffle Pro project numbers.
This eliminates the need to keep track of two numbers for the same event! This feature is a favorite among event company owners and accountants alike.
5. Have flexibility with how you date your invoices.
Invoice dates can be set for the logistics (or delivery) start date or the date the contract was signed by your client — whichever makes the most sense for your billing needs. Not sure which method is best for your business? Check out this article by QuickBooks on cash vs. accrual accounting.
6. Import project documents (like signed contracts) over to your QuickBooks Online invoices so that your accountant has everything they need in one place.
And because both softwares are cloud-based, your accountants will have this information as soon as it’s ready.
7. Create invoices in QuickBooks Online automatically with a high level of detail.
We don’t batch the totals; you can see every single line item on an invoice. You won’t have to spend time navigating between multiple pages or softwares to see the details of your invoices. We even attach a PDF of the original!
8. Break out payouts originating from Goodshuffle Pro or made offline (such as by check) for easy viewing.
Any offline payments entered in Goodshuffle Pro will be automatically imported over to QuickBooks Online and labeled appropriately. Again, no more navigating between multiple pages or creating spreadsheets to keep track of payouts.
Plus much, much more!
Why Accountants Love Goodshuffle Pro’s QuickBooks Online Integration
As you can probably imagine, accountants love working with Goodshuffle Pro’s QuickBooks Online Integration. They can access all of the documents, financials, and reports that they need from within QuickBooks Online — without you having to carve time out of your busy schedule to get them that information. We’ve had clients report that our Integration reduces the time they spend on accounting tasks by a whopping 50%! That can add up to hours a day that are now available to spend on other tasks.
There are lots of great features with our QuickBooks Online features, so you’re probably wondering how much it’s going to cost you. The good news is, it’s very affordable at only $39 per month (billed annually). We also offer free support to get you integrated and will train you or your accountant, so you can feel confident that you’re really getting the most out of your integration.
QuickBooks Online with Goodshuffle Pro is Best for Event Profs
Ultimately, our QuickBooks Online Integration is unique because of the details. The level of customization and depth you can achieve in your reporting makes a bird’s eye view— or ant’s eye view— of your company possible. The integration itself is easy. Plus, there aren’t any hidden tricks you need to know in order to get things working properly. It’ll take a lot of fuss out of tax time, too.
Want to learn more about Goodshuffle Pro’s QuickBooks Online Integration? Read our articles on what makes our QuickBooks Online Integration the most secure and how to make the switch from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online.
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