Google Ads Basics for Event Company Owners

Google Ads basics are an important piece of knowledge for any business owner. Did you know that on average 97% of keywords that bring traffic to your website will not turn into customers? So if you are running Pay Per Click ads, then you are wasting a huge amount of your marketing budget on users who never intend to rent your inventory. Instead of wasting money on advertising to dead-end leads, you need to optimize your campaign strategy to focus on that 3% of clicks who are potential customers.

Why Should Event Pros Learn Google Ads Basics?

It might sound like hard work but investing in optimizations will bring your event rental business more qualified leads that turn into new customers, rather than running status quo ads. To improve your ads, you need to utilize these three options: keywords, negative keywords, and search terms.

  • Keywords allow you to create ads proactively, where you target particular users based on what you think they will search for online. Google Ads can help you find the best keywords to use in your ads, so you can optimize your keywords to run ad campaigns based on the data in Ads that will bring you new customers.
  • Negative keywords are words that you don’t want to advertise to because those words are not what your business offers. Using negative keywords will save you money because your ads won’t show up in search results for specific keywords, like “ice cream” when your business doesn’t sell ice cream.
  • The Search terms option shows you the exact words users are typing for internet searches. Search terms provide insight to better understanding your customers.

How Can I Optimize Google Ads for my Event Business?

Another optimization in Google Ads is to link landing pages with specific ads. Consider your customer’s experience when he or she first sees your ad from a quick Google search. A customer might go to a competitor’s website because of one particular thing that was missing on your website. For instance, a wedding planner searches for wedding tent rentals and your ad pops up. She clicks on your ad, but it takes her to your main website where wedding tents are listed at the bottom of the page. When she does not see information about wedding tents, then she leaves your website and goes to the next ad that popped up. Just like that, you’ve lost a potential high paying rental customer.

To make sure this doesn’t happen, you need to use Google Ads to ensure the customer’s user experience is exactly what they need when they click on your ad. This means you not only need to focus on effective keywords, but also make sure ads link to particular landing pages that shows a clear call-to-action for the user. Your ads should not bring every user to your main Event Rental webpage. Instead, tailor landing pages for specific ads, sending clicks for wedding event rentals go directly to a wedding themed page, rather than showing items for executive or business functions.

Event Pros and Google Ads

These optimizations will ensure that the money you’re spending on Google Ads isn’t going to useless clicks. You’ll attract the right customers, and they’ll be more likely to follow through once they land on your company page. Furthermore, this will give you a competitive edge over other party rental companies who may not be as Google Ads savvy! Take these Google Ads basics and grow your event business today!

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.