What Event Pros are Doing to Adapt to Life During the COVID-19 Crisis

It’s a challenge to adapt to life during COVID-19. As we face the unprecedented force that is COVID-19, event professionals are faced with completely changing their strategy and their way of life. We’ve seen the steps that have been taken to preserve a sense of normalcy and keep people afloat during this chaotic time, from elbow taps at trade shows to virtual happy hours. Click here if you want to learn how folks are combating their cash flow difficulties, or read on to learn more about how event pros are adapting to life during COVID-19 and keeping some normalcy in these trying times.

Create a Routine

This is a shaky and uncertain time for all event companies. To gain a sense of normalcy, it’s best to establish a routine. Though working from home may provide you with more flexibility, set a wake-up time during the week that you stick to. Then, block out your calendar with your daily schedule. Include things such as at-home workouts, walks around the block, play time with your children, and meals. The schedule shouldn’t be rigid, as increased flexibility is needed during this time, but a daily routine will allow you to get used to your “new normal” quicker.

Preserve Workplace Culture

Event companies are facing a completely disrupted workplace, since events are being postponed and cancelled as new policies come out each day. Establishing a routine in your professional life is just as important as establishing one in your personal life.

Something that Team Goodshuffle is doing is setting frequent digital video meetings to sync up before the workday starts. We’ve also started holding virtual happy hours, where we get much-needed human connection, as well as a time to break away from the difficulties we are facing in our industry and talk about something positive.

Goodshuffle Pro team during COVID-19 on a virtual happy hour

Frequent connections via Skype, Zoom, or Whereby are great for morale, and help event pros adapt to life during COVID-19. Though we’re in the thick of it now, coronavirus will eventually be a memory, and your team will need to be back and ready to go. Keep spirits high with open communication so that everyone will be able to hit the ground running!

Dedicate Time to Your Work on the Back-burner

How many times do you push off important tasks because something else comes along? The number is probably higher than you’d like to admit. There’s always work that needs to be done, but unfortunately, a lot of it falls to the back-burner. Use this unexpected free time to focus on work that’s been needing attention.

You can use this time to:

With the time needed to get these neglected projects done, your event rental company will be back and better than ever once this is over.

Plan Future Events

As every event professional knows, there’s always something to work on! You can use this time to work with your clients to postpone their events, as well as bring in new business for this fall and next spring and summer. Humans love to celebrate, and once this is over, there will be a newfound appreciation for togetherness.

On the flip side, you can also plan future events for your team. A little team bonding will go a long way, so get creative! You can check out venues for in-person happy hours, explore activities like axe-throwing, or really go out with a big bash! Whatever the case, we’ll all be itching to celebrate at the end of this.

Event Pros Will Adapt to Life during COVID-19 and get through This

Event professionals are coming together in this time of uncertainty to share their tips and be there for one another (check out our Instagram for upcoming webinars and other learning opportunities!). This industry is taking a blow, but we are resilient (learn more about how event professionals are pivoting here). Reach out to your connections and check in on each other. Set your daily routine, work on things that have been needing to get done, and focus on planning future events for your clients and your team. We are all in this together.

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.