How To Leverage Your Event Photos for Increased Web Traffic

Whether you are a new business or a well-established business in the hospitality industry, you are looking for ways to capture a potential client’s imagination. We all want to stop the scroll, make them want more information, and drive traffic to our website. The best way to do that is with event photos.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and in the way we currently use social mediait is cash. Every event you do is a photoshoot and a possible advertising vehicle. Because we provide our best work for each event, there is a photo op for us to leverage to increase our web traffic. Learn how to leverage your event photos to increase web traffic with these guidelines.

#1: Create an ad shoot at each event

One of my smartest moves as a fledgling business was purchasing a good camera. As an advertising major, I knew the value of good photos. I spent almost my entire ad budget on a 35mm Canon. These days we all have a better camera in our pocket with the ability to produce quality photos instantaneously.

If you are working with a limited budget or just starting, take this opportunity to learn how to use your phone’s camera. There is nothing worse than a fuzzy picture online in this day and age. No matter what you are providing for an event, only chair covers or a few pieces of décor, find a way to set up a shot that showcases your goods. Know what you want your catalog or social media feed to look like. Try to maintain a similar look with every photo.

There are several simple and inexpensive apps you can use to adjust the photos later. Many of the new apps, like Canva or Retouch, will allow you to drop out backgrounds or additional objects.

#2: Network with photographers you want to work with

Don’t always assume event photographers will “give” you their photos, but always ask. In the event industry, we tend to work with the same people over and over. Develop those relationships and make sure you give credit when sharing photos.

If you have the resources to hire a photographer, plan ahead, and get a room and detail shots, you will be able to use for a while. Many photographers will offer an industry rate knowing that they will receive an advertising bump when you post. Be specific about what you are looking for in the photos. Tell the photographer how you will be using the images so they can plan their lighting and direction.

#3: Plan for the photos you want

By planning your event photos ahead of time, you will be able to remove any dated material that would limit the pictures use. If you have the time, do multiple shots, one for immediate use that ties into your event and one without ties for future use.

Make sure you are posting key photos promptly. If you are working on an event receiving a lot of press, make sure you are posting immediately and over the following few days. Tag the event, designers, and other vendors and use relevant hashtags to get the most traction from the event itself.

When you use the event photos later or in a web catalog, make sure you input details into the metadata if you are using a photo program, or in the photo’s alt text on your website. Alt text or metadata describes the image and can include the provider, designer, venue, and other details that search engines use. When a potential client searches for a wedding venue, and your photo contains matching information, your photo will be added to the search results.

#4: Don’t forget the follow-up (it’s more than just snapping a pic!)

Posting a photo is just the beginning. Metadata, alt text, and tagging are important, but another driver can be your response to comments. When someone takes the time to comment or ask a question, make sure you, or the person in charge of social media, takes the time to reply. Many apps track and rate you based on response time, and each time you react, it pushes your post to the forefront.

Know what the optimal times are to capture your audience and try to maintain a schedule of posts. If you don’t have current material, reach back for relevant photos that can lend themselves to the current season or situation. A prime example would be posting for the current engagement season using an image from seasons past. Make the photo more relevant by celebrating the couple’s anniversary or tying into an upcoming open house with past shots from the venue.

Take advantage of the new Facebook Business Suite, which will handle both Instagram and Facebook, to schedule posts to maintain consistency. Plan to post to your Google Business account regularly, and The My Business app will give you up to date feedback on views, searches, and overall site activity.

Leverage every event and event photos to increase traffic to your website and take every opportunity to use the resources available to increase your visibility.

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.