Ins and Outs of Having an Events Industry Mentor

There are so many benefits to having an events industry mentor. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve had your feet in the events industry for a while, it’s always beneficial. One of the biggest pros is that if you choose your mentor wisely, they will be someone who has quite a few years of experience under their belt. Most people love sharing their knowledge and well-seasoned wisdom. And, it’ll really help you grow quicker than you would on your own.

Why Do I Need A Mentor?

If you struggle with distraction and maintaining focus in any aspect of your career, a mentor is a great solution for you. They can be the voice of reason if need be. They’ll also be able to give you a different, unbiased perspective on tough situations. Personally, one of the biggest game-changers for me was that my mentor held me accountable. I would have these amazing ideas so often, but never actually implement them. This is where my mentor came into play, and I found that I was growing more responsible overall.

How Established Should I Be In Order To Have A Mentor?

Truth be told, it doesn’t matter what stage you’re in with your business or career. You can always benefit from a mentor. You evolve with your business, meaning that your mentor checklist grows as well and your needs may be different from stage to stage. At the start of your career you need help with the foundations of your business, but once you get to a more established place your goals might have changed or you might face other challenges you hadn’t anticipated.

What Does A Relationship With A Mentor Look Like?

No two mentor/mentee relationships are alike. Some are more relaxed, some are more professional, but it truly depends on your comfort and what sort of guidance you’re seeking. Molding your communication is solely up to you, whether it’s physically or virtually.

When I was in the early stages of my business, I remember going to my mentor with what I thought was an amazing idea. I was ready to invest a ton of money into it and really commit. That’s when she sat me down and showed me how to research something properly. From that point forward, I began to understand how to decide with my head instead of my heart. This was in spite of the fact that I’d always been very impulsive. Before then, I’d never really been taught how to really evaluate something objectively, carry out the research and then analyze that research to make my final decision. My mentor was an example for what I personally needed at the time. I’m glad my mentor stepped in and taught me to listen first and act second. This simple observation on her part really saved me a small fortune!

When choosing a mentor, it’s best to have a plan first and foremost. Know what it is you want to get out of the experience so you can make an informed choice. It’s often tempting to choose a mentor with a similar skill set, but look for someone who can fill the gaps in your knowledge. Building on your weaknesses is the key to success. Any good events industry mentor will complement your career path.

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.