Email Marketing Tips and Tricks for Rental Companies

When it comes to email marketing, many rental companies find themselves two big questions: “How do I market my business through email? Is this an effective way to reach my clients?” If you’re asking these questions, give yourself a pat on the back. Why? Because this means you’re ready to see your business thrive.

Instead of seeing email marketing as an irrelevant method of sharing inventory updates and other news, you’re choosing to push aside the doubts that surround the strategy. You are looking for new ways to keep your rental company growing, and that’s a commendable mindset! Too many people consider email marketing a waste of time and, worse, that it’s an unprofitable endeavor. But, the reality is that it’s one of the best ways to grow your brand, reach your clients personally, and receive a boost in profits.

If you’re ready to take your business to another level, commit these three email marketing tips to memory to implement within your rental company.

Put Your Clients First

Your clients are the most critical aspect of your email marketing strategy. You can build the Know, Like, Trust factor through nurture emails, which will ultimately help to grow your rental company. However, if you’re focusing more on how many emails you send but don’t produce quality content your readers love, how can you expect them to want to do business with you?

It really is about quality over quantity. Whether you’re sending emails monthly or bi-weekly, you will be most successful when they engage your clients. If you’re bombarding them every two weeks with emails filled with fluff, they’re less likely to click your call-to-action button and will opt out of receiving your emails.

On the other hand, if you send emails every two weeks with compelling content, they’ll begin to trust your brand and look forward to reading your emails until they’re ready to book with you. Share a guide about matching napkins with linens, break down the perfect place setting, or give them a rundown of the different tables and chairs best suited for each seating style. Make it a point to serve as a resource in your emails, rather than always selling your inventory.

Stay True to Your Brand

Staying true to your brand creates consistent expectations and helps your rental clients recognize who you are. People are constantly receiving emails from various websites, organizations, and businesses. Out of the hundreds of emails your clients receive each day, what will make yours stand out and get them to open and read it?

Avoid straying from your brand’s visual design (colors, images, logo, etc.), messaging (tone, verbiage, etc.), and strategy. Let’s take Apple as an example. Its brand focuses on making technology — something known to be complex — easy to use and straightforward when used by anyone.

Staying consistent in your brand is the best way to ensure your clients don’t click on your email and immediately delete it. It also shows them your company is authentic and meets expectations when you’ve promised something.

End Your Email with a Call to Action

Every email you send to your clients must have a purpose: to tell them why they’re there. Why are you in their inbox? Why did they open your email?

People open your emails for valuable content, but they also want to find out what you want from them. This reaction might sound like skepticism, but it’s not a bad thing. If they’re looking for your company’s offer, it’s your responsibility to give them a compelling call-to-action (CTA) that is well worth their time.

Some small business owners feel uncomfortable about CTAs because it feels like you’re asking for the sale. But, that’s exactly what you need to do! If you want your company to scale and grow your bottom line, you have to ask people to work with you. Make it easy for them with an impactful CTA that convinces them to take the next step. “Contact us” or “Rent this piece” are great options because they are direct and guide your reader into the next step of the buyer’s journey.

Email marketing shouldn’t overwhelm you or your team. You can grow your business with simplicity and ease by focusing on the relationship-building aspect of marketing. Stop worrying about perfecting every last detail and, instead, focus on the value of the content — that’s what will get your leads interested and ready to take action.

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.