Top 5 Reasons to Start Using E-Signatures For Event Companies

The business world is changing quickly, and the process of drafting, filing, and signing paper documents has become outdated. E-signatures, technology for drafting, sending, and signing digital documents, have been around for quite some time now. Electronic documents come with several compelling advantages, and yet many in the events industry seem to be lagging behind with a reliance on paper files. Let’s go through the top 5 reasons to start using e-signatures for your events business.

  1. Security
  2. Speed and Ease
  3. Cost
  4. Track-ability
  5. Sustainability


Paper documents can be lost, stolen, smudged, dampened, or set on fire. Electronic documents won’t get lost, even if your devices break, and are much easier to keep track of than papers. E-signatures are also extremely difficult to corrupt or forge as they generally come with a history of changes made to documents and verifiable records of when the documents were sent, opened, and signed. While a paper document may feel more “real” in your hands, nothing beats the security of electronically signed documents.

Speed and Ease

You no longer have to waste time printing, delivering, and waiting to receive contracts. Electronic documents can be made into easily reusable templates, sent with the click of a button, and received with all necessary information within minutes. You also don’t have to waste time filing and then finding documents when needed. They’ll all be stored in the same place for fast and easy access.

If a contract isn’t agreed upon by either party, scheduling a new meeting to discuss a new contract can be time consuming and frustrating for both parties. It is a huge timesaver to be able to quickly edit contracts on your computer and resend them in seconds. These days, your customers expect to be able to quickly and easily make payments and sign contracts digitally. If you can’t provide these simple services, they’ll go somewhere else.


Saving time spent on agreements doesn’t just allow for more time spent on other tasks, it saves you money. After all, you pay your employees for their work hours, so you need them to work efficiently. Your employees’ work hours will no longer be spent writing and printing out agreements, attending contract meetings, and rescheduling those meetings to make adjustments. That can all now be done with a click of a button, which is what your customers and partners expect.


Have you ever forgotten whether you received a contract from someone? Or realized that a meeting was around the corner and you were unsure whether or not you had drafted the contract already or not? Then you had to waste time looking through your files looking for it without even knowing whether it was there or not.

This is yet another issue that can be avoided with e-signatures. Keep your digital files online, where their progress can be tracked so you can always be certain of what phase your deal is in. Finding an online document is now as quick and easy as typing into a search bar.


Deforestation is a heavily discussed issue in the media. Have you ever asked yourself how your event company may be impacting the environment? Most paper ends up in a landfill, and even recycling paper isn’t as sustainable as reducing your consumption of paper altogether. Take a load off your conscience with electronic documents that produce zero waste.

What’s the incentive for you to care about your company’s sustainability? Customers prefer to buy from companies that demonstrate shared values. Now more than ever, people care deeply about the environment and believe that we should prioritize environmental sustainability. You can choose to align your brand with your customers ideals to improve your likeability, all while doing something good for the planet.

It’s An Easy Decision

In summary, paper documents waste more time and money, are less secure, more difficult to track, and worse for the environment when compared to electronic documents. For the sake of your company, your partners, and the environment, switch to digital.

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.