3 Reasons Employees Dislike Working Without Technology

Gone are the days when adding technology to a job meant adding a burden. Technology now empowers businesses by streamlining their work operations and improving productivity. It is important to streamline your business with technology in order to keep a competitive advantage, keep with the times, and monitor the work performance of your employees.

Employees today expect to work with and alongside technology for their jobs. Without company technology, an employee’s job becomes much more difficult and tedious. Simple tasks can be made more efficient by tracking sales and collecting data insights in real-time.

Here are the top three reasons employees dislike working without technology:

  • They can’t achieve outstanding results at a fast pace. In today’s age, everyone walks around with a computer in their pocket. Employees need technology to complement their knowledge and speed up processes. Without technology, they will move at a slow pace that drags out the delivery of results.
  • They can’t impress their boss. Without technology, it is difficult for employees to impress their superiors. Employees are motivated by achieving wins and being recognized for their accomplishments. Those wins will be few and far between without technology to assist in streamlining their process. You also need technology to track which employees are achieving the highest metrics and hitting their marks. If a company lacks this technology, it can feel like the boss doesn’t care about their employees’ individual performances (which contributes to the success of the entire organization). 
  • It depletes the company’s long-term credibility. Your employees, as well as your prospective employees, are watching your company’s ability to keep up with the times and embrace the latest technological innovations. Employees dislike working for a company that is “falling behind” on the latest technology, because it means the company may not last in the long-run. No one wants to work for a company that will eventually fall behind and sink below its competitors.

Picture this: you hire two new warehouse crew members and they’re very eager to start. When they join the team, you’re still using a paper method to track their performance. While the warehouse workers are diligent with filling out their papers on every item they touch, these papers often get lost with all the papers flying around the company.

Your first instinct is to blame the warehouse workers for any papers that get lost. However, for the two warehouse workers, their first thought is that you have no idea how hard they’ve been working. Over time, you are unaware if these two employees deserve to be promoted or compensated extra, since you have failed to recognize their big wins due to some lost papers.

These two warehouse workers will eventually quit, because they believe you don’t care about their individual success. They were eager to work for a company where they could move up in the ranks, but this hasn’t happened since there is no air-tight software to track their metrics and  prove their worth.

It is important to show your employees you are serious about modernizing your business by instilling technological tools that will help them with their jobs. Be sure to log your employees’ work in an all-in-one rental tracking software, so you can celebrate their successes and motivate them to continue working hard! This also helps you keep track of who on your team deserves to be rewarded or promoted.

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.