How to Deal With Difficult Event Customers

Customer service is a key component of both the event rentals and the event planning industries. Weddings and other significant events are so important in people’s lives that you often end up with a high-stress situation leading up to the party. If you want to grow an event business, you have to be prepared to deal with everyone. Clients range from bridezillas, to helicopter parents, to people who simply insist they know more about your profession than you do. In these moments, the event pros who are able to remain calm and professional really stand out. They also stand the greatest chance of improving their reputation and word-of-mouth marketing. So, we reached out to Life Coach, Evin Lipman of Uplift Journey for her advice on how to deal with difficult customers.

Customer-facing roles can be highly rewarding, but there’s no escaping the occasional (or not so occasional) “challenging” interaction. I’d venture to say that the worst part of these experiences isn’t actually the difficult customer. It’s the helpless feeling of your blood boiling, your good mood souring, and the way the experience lingers throughout the rest of your day. You can’t change the customer, but the good news is you do get to control your own experience!

Whenever you are dealing with difficult events customers, be sure to:

  1. Check your body language.
  2. Listen to understand the customer
  3. Give clients the benefit of the doubt.
  4. Reset yourself afterwards before moving forward.

Let’s break it down further below:

Check your Body Language

Your physiological state automatically syncs up with whomever you’re interacting with. So, a customer who’s all hot and bothered will literally cause your temperature to rise and your pulse to quicken. Regain control of your body by intentionally slowing down your breath. Inhale for at least a count of 4 and exhale to match.

Listen to Understand

Our tendency during any kind of conflict is to be in our own heads while the other person is talking, already planning out our counter-response. This hinders your chances of resolution. Instead, practice truly listening to what your customer has to say as if you’re hearing it for the first time. They’ll sense and appreciate your willingness to hear them out. And, when you do respond you’ll be able to address them more thoughtfully and calmly.

Give Clients the Benefit of the Doubt

When someone’s really riled up about something that seems trivial to you, the likelihood is there’s something deeper going on than meets the eye. You know those days when everything seems to go wrong. You receive bad news about a loved one, a crisis hits at the office, the dog suddenly forgets that he’s potty trained… and then one little insignificant thing incites a meltdown?? Assume difficult customers are having one of those days. If it’s true, your empathy and patience could mean the world to him or her. Either way, your frustration and annoyance levels are down, and wasn’t that the goal in the first place?

Bonus tip: Once that tricky interaction concludes, give yourself a moment to reset before charging into the rest of your work day.

Take a walk around the block or watch a kitten/puppy/baby video. Listen to your favorite song, or find something else to give yourself a fresh start. Tempting as it can be, avoid retelling the story over and over. This only serves to waste more of your (and your colleagues’) precious energy. Choose to move forward and leave the past in the past! With these tips for dealing with difficult customers, you’ll be set for growing your business!

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.