What All Top Design and Decor Companies are Doing with Their Event Rental Software

As an event pro, you know the challenges that come with the job. Who made the rule that a day is only 24 hours long?! Investing in ourselves and our businesses is important so that we can be our best for our clients. The fix for a lot of the stressors in our lives is currently making waves in the industry: event rental software. While there are a million and one benefits that software brings to the table for design and decor companies, we’ve listed some of the most important below.

Building Professionalism and Confidence with Event Software

The very first impression a potential client gets from your business is from your branding, so it’s important to get your message across. Every top design and decor company lets customers know, “We’ll make your dream event come to life, and we hold ourselves to that.” The client wants a company that’s professional and will execute the event flawlessly, making it crucial for design and decor companies who want to be industry leaders to have a polished brand. This means everything from your proposals to your communication with the client must exude confidence and professionalism. Luckily, software makes this a breeze!

Quick, beautiful proposals customized to your brand are made easy with Goodshuffle Pro, which allows you to uphold your reputation and outline everything for the client.

Goodshuffle Pro customized quote.

On top of this, fast and effective communication with the client has never been easier. Every back-and-forth is stored both in the specific project as well as under the messages tab for accessibility and organization purposes. These messages are delivered to the client’s email inbox for their convenience.

Goodshuffle Pro messaging tool with client.

When your brand is professional and polished, your confidence as a business owner and #eventprof will skyrocket!

Cultivating a Happy & Hardworking Team

At the end of the day, the people are what make your design and decor company shine, and the top companies have the top talent. Talent is hard to come by, so you want your team to be happy with the culture of your company, as this leads to a more productive operation and increased retention of staff.

Accountability and communication are two of the biggest factors that go into making (and keeping) a dream team. Software makes it easier than ever to manage both of these aspects, as well as your team in general! There’s no more forgetting who was delegated what task, nor is there any more misplacing of important paper documents, since everything is digital. Your team can focus on doing their jobs to the best of their abilities while saving time (and headaches!).

Goodshuffle Pro team accountability system.

Increase accountability with the activity log in Goodshuffle Pro, where you can see who has made changes within the project.

Goodshuffle Pro activity log.

Just like you can message your clients within the messages tab, you can also contact your staff. This works wonders for customer service, as communication is organized and streamlined, putting everyone on the same page.

Goodshuffle Pro messaging tool with team.

Growing Business with Event Rental Software

A major goal for lots of event professionals in the design and decor field is to grow their businesses. You don’t just want to be good, you want to be on top. What does this growth look like? Some measurable goals include getting paid faster, gaining more clients, and investing in more and updated inventory.

Software makes all these goals attainable. Goodshuffle Pro makes the payment experience better and more efficient for both the client and the company. Once you send your customized invoice to the client, they are immediately prompted to sign and pay. No more waiting what seems like forever to get paid, and stress is reduced for both parties.

Goodshuffle Pro invoice.

With all the time you save during closing, you’re able to dedicate more time to finding new leads and securing more clients. Let the software take care of the tedious responsibilities while you do what you do best– working with clients to put on amazing events.

In order to serve more clients, you need more inventory that’s in demand. Make sure to invest in what’s selling while tossing what’s not. A killer set of items in inventory makes a huge difference to the client, especially as trends are changing year by year. Goodshuffle Pro makes knowing what’s available and in stock a piece of cake, while making it easy to navigate your entire inventory in an organized fashion.

Goodshuffle Pro inventory management tool.

Gaining Peace of Mind

Which of you event pros out there want to continue to be ranked #6 for most stressful careers? Probably not many. We need to be kinder to ourselves without dropping the ball. With technology, this is possible!

The greatest gift that software gives is peace of mind. You don’t have to worry about forgetting important papers at an event or at your home site. You can manage contracts, billing, inventory, and logistics all in one place. You encourage accountability and transparency in your team and with your clients. And you can do all of this from your home base or on the go, from any device.

Ultimately, the top design and decor companies are where they are because they’re passionate, hard working, and know where and how to spend their time. Your time is your most precious resource. Use it to its fullest extent by opening yourself up to the work that needs your specific touch– and leave the tedious stuff to your event rental software.


Photo by Ana Isabel Photography: Instagram, Facebook

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.