Event Staffing Tips: Creating A Rockstar Team

Every event professional wants to know the top event staffing tips for creating their ideal team. Teamwork makes the dream work, but how does a small business owner handle hiring their dream team? Today we’re sharing our top tips on creating a rockstar team for your event company.

Hiring Top Tier Talent

The first of many event staffing tips is to find and hire employees who are capable and passionate. We believe in quality over quantity, especially when just starting in the hiring process. Some event business owners will hire a number of part-time employees or contractors to try to fill their needs but hiring one full-time employee who is a bit higher caliber is a better bet in our book. Full-time employees are more invested in your company and brand, they learn quicker and become more familiar with the company’s products and processes.

The best place to find quality employees is via referrals. Amazing people know other amazing people. Ask your other business owner friends or other employees if they have friends or family who would be interested in the position. Also consider creating an interview script ahead of time so you can focus all your energy on their responses, instead of what you’ll say next.

Creating A Positive Work Environment for Your Events Team

Now, you might be asking, why would your employees want to refer their friends and family to work for your company? Well, because they love working for you! Happy employees will want to make referrals so you need to prioritize a positive work environment if you want your employees to tell their smart, capable friends to work for you. Plus, your company culture will show employees how much you appreciate, or don’t appreciate, their time and dedication.

Employees are an investment and you should treat them as such. If you treat someone as a respected, smart, capable person, you’re going to make them happy and see them rise to the occasion. If you treat someone as expendable, you can count on them acting that way. You should show an employee that you’re invested in their future with the company and invested in their career path or job goals. This will make them feel valued and appreciated.

Set Your Team Up For Success

The most important way business owners can invest in their employees is in a good training program. Before hiring someone, you should have processes in place for employees to follow so they are empowered to do well. Have accountability built-in to your processes, such as software that encourages workflow and accountability. This way, there is no ambiguity about who is doing what and who is doing it right.

Check in with your employees regularly, especially at the beginning. Catch mistakes before they are repeated, and get employee feedback on the processes and update those processes based on their feedback, if needed. Giving employees a voice, give them buy-in with the company.

Use reviews to formally provide feedback. We think quarterly reviews are more effective than yearly to ensure a steady flow of feedback. Providing small raises throughout the year will show employees that they are valued.

Event Staffing Tips to Prepare Your Rockstar Events Team

With these event staffing tips, you and your event rental business will take off! Having top-notch, well-informed and happy employees will lead to less turnover and higher production. With clear training and processes, employees will feel like they are being set up to succeed. As a business owner, you’re removing excuses for subpar work. Employees will know the opportunities that exists for them to grow or earn promotions and raises. They’ll feel like valued members of your rockstar events team. And you’ll quickly see the ROI of awesome employees and lower turnover.

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.