Top 8 Wedding Planning Mistakes To Avoid

Any wedding celebration, from a modest dinner with four relatives to a party with hundreds of guests, requires preparation. In this article, we’ll look at the common wedding planning mistakes you can make when organizing a wedding reception.


1. Rush

Most people, after receiving a proposal of marriage, are so excited that they start preparing for the wedding right away, without having thought through the main stages. Some of them are already booking a wedding venue the day after the engagement party, while others run to a bridal salon before they have decided on the style of the celebration.

Come down. Wedding preparation should begin with determining a budget, choosing a concept, and making a list of guests. These points in the future will determine the style of the celebration, a suitable venue, and the images of the happy couple.

2. Don’t Keep A Day Planner

Keeping all the information about the upcoming celebration in your head is simply impossible. So, you should trust all the plans, ideas, and calculations in your diary. By making detailed lists of tasks for each month of preparation, keeping all the phone numbers of contractors in one place, and recording unresolved issues, you can be sure that you will not miss anything important. Hence, there will be much less cause for worry.

3. Trying To Lose 2 Sizes

All of us want to look perfect on our wedding day! A proper diet and regular exercise can help you lose a few extra pounds and get your body into a more athletic shape, but don’t set yourself an impossible task.


A strict diet will really help you get rid of extra centimeters pretty quickly, but at the end of it the weight is sure to come back – that’s how our body is built. In addition, an unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins and minerals, and even too long and frequent exercises are not the best ways to affect your health. You are already gorgeous!

4. Do It All Yourself

Many people, dreaming of a unique and unrepeatable wedding, refuse the services of an organizer. They make the decor with their own hands, after attending courses of floristry and calligraphy. As a result, on the day of the celebration or even before the wedding some newlyweds just fall off their feet from exhaustion. Don’t repeat their mistakes!

You should choose what you enjoy doing and what you can find time for without compromising your work, personal life, and sleep. You can delegate the rest to professionals. And remember, it’s not the centerpieces or the three-tier cake that make your wedding beautiful, but the warm atmosphere and your sincere feelings.

5. Delegate All Tasks To Mom

“After all, mom herself offered to help, and can easily cope with the wedding logistics, and with the design of compliments for guests, and with the preparation of the menu. As the services of a wedding planner are so expensive!” – many newlyweds think, forgetting that for their parents the wedding should be first and foremost a holiday, not a second job.

Before you hand your mom an endless to-do list, consider whether some issues can be entrusted to your beloved? Does the list still seem too long? Then it’s time to enlist the help of a professional.

6. Going Over Budget

This is a wedding planning mistake almost every newlywed makes. The dream outfit turned out to be a little more expensive than originally anticipated, or maybe the guest list got longer. Upon discovering that you underestimated some costs, do not panic, but discuss with your partner constructive ways to solve the problem.

It may not be too late to return an overpriced purchase to the store, or you may be able to save money on something else that is less important.

7. Come Up With A New Concept A Week Before The Wedding

A few weeks before your wedding, have you suddenly realized that black and white decorations are boring and peonies are too corny? Maybe it’s just natural excitement before the big day, and all you need to do now is just calm down. Go for a massage, talk to your best friend, have a romantic dinner with your lover – and you’ll feel the excitement recede.


But if you’re definitely sure that the style of the celebration needs to be changed, think about how to do it with minimal finance and time expenditures. Do not change the entire color scheme, but add a few bright accents to it. The floristics can always be refreshed with greenery, and your dress will play in a new way with a belt, veil, or original accessories.

8. Getting Upset Over Little Things

Minor errors in the decor (which are visible only to you), the wrong shade of roses, naughty locks that are constantly knocked out of the hair – some annoying little things can seriously spoil the mood on the day of the celebration. Don’t give in to negative emotions, but rather take a few deep breaths and exhales and ask yourself: “Will this be important to me a year from now? Will it be important to me in five years?”. I am sure the answer will be no. So, you can forget about this problem now and allow yourself to enjoy the celebration!


Truly, the most difficult thing is to find a person who you want to share your life with. As soon as it comes to preparing for the wedding, it immediately becomes clear that organizing an event “excellently” is not that easy. But there are no insurmountable difficulties. The main thing is to plan everything correctly in advance so that you can relax and enjoy the celebration on your wedding day.

It is believed that you should start planning a wedding no less than six months in advance. But, don’t panic if you’re working with less time. With the right approach, you can do everything even in two-three months. By outsourcing to proper event professionals, staying organized, and keeping a cool head, you’re sure to plan the wedding of your dreams.

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Carmen Bodziak

Carmen Bodziak has been on the marketing team at Goodshuffle since 2019 and got into the business because of her passion for empowering business owners through technology. She loves connecting with the events industry both virtually and in-person, so say hi if you see her at a trade show! Outside of Goodshuffle, she loves to travel and spend time outdoors.